Our Priorities.
Engage in Missional Discipleship:
Following his death and resurrection, Jesus gave his disciples a disciple-making mission (Mt 28:16-20). The New Testament word disciple means student or learner. Christian discipleship commits to learning the ways of Jesus Christ and inviting others to join in the kingdom building work. The Global Methodist Church of South Carolina will prioritize this disciple-making mission while helping people learn the ways of Jesus Christ to be in ministry among the unchurched, displaced, and forgotten in our communities.
Empower the Local Church:
The local church is the primary way that God accomplishes his mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ. When the local congregation pursues God and his mission, miracles happen all the time. Our priority is to empower the local church to do the mission work in its own backyard and “the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). The Global Methodist Church of South Carolina will primarily encourage the work of ministry to be carried out by the people called Methodists on a local level.
Serve South Carolina:
Jesus lived among us as one who serves (Lk 22:24-30). John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Movement, modeled a servant’s heart by visiting those imprisoned, preaching to the poor in the fields, and raising funds to build schools and care for the sick. In this new chapter of Methodism, the Global Methodist Church of South Carolina will encourage a holistic faith of the head, heart and hands that models the love of Jesus Christ by serving the poor and needy in our South Carolina communities and beyond.
Establish Connection:
In Christ, our connection together enables us to do more than we could on our own. Our common connection in our doctrine, mission, and practice strengthens our ability to transform our local community. The Global Methodist Church of South Carolina will provide opportunities for life-giving connection in worship, training, and accountability for the glory of God and the good of the kingdom.
Multiply Our Witness:
Our movement is called to multiply our witness by creating new disciples for Jesus Christ. The Global Methodist Church of South Carolina will look to focus on multiplication and church-planting for a vibrant future of Methodism in the state.